Who are the MojoTrolls?

Embark on an extraordinary journey with the MojoTrolls—an NFT project designed with utility at its core, focusing on the ecosystem and user onboarding.

As the original Guardians of the Metaverse, we’re devoted to creating an inviting, thrilling blockchain journey for newcomers and seasoned legends alike.

Whether you align as a Warrior, Techie, or Educator, or possess a different spirit, join us, become an OG, unveil your destiny, and mould your clan’s fate.

The MojoTrolls Mission?

Step into the diverse world of MojoTrolls, where every individual finds their niche in an expansive tapestry of possibilities. Engage in captivating play-to-earn experiences and immersive gaming narratives that elevate the soul…

Call out to your Clan

Pledge your Allegiance

Discover your inner Troll’s chosen clan among the MojoTrolls! One NFT sets your journey in motion; strategic collecting, be it sets of four or diverse ones, unlocks the vibrant Ecosystem’s bountiful rewards. Elevate your clan status by embracing rarity, gaining higher rewards, and exploring the esteemed value within your unique NFT collection.

The Warrior

The Techie

The Educator

Secret Clan

MojoTrolls Utility

Unlock the MojoTrolls NFT’s inherent value through a unique ecosystem fostering rarity, rewards, and Tusks token utility, redefining NFT ownership.

Utilities of the Mojotrolls Nft Project

Tusks Token

Discover the power of TUSKS Tokens in the MojoTrolls ecosystem, unlocking exclusive rewards within electrifying clan competitions. With a 3% buy/sell tax, TUSKS fuels the MojoTrolls NFT allure, amplifying incentives and asset generation for the ecosystem.

Own TUSKS for a vibrant NFT experience and fortified MojoTrolls legacy. Join the TUSKS movement today for enhanced value and spirited rewards!


The Journey Began Q3 2021

What to Expect?


Sacred Guardian Node

Ancestral Node

Countdown to Public Sale Nodes!









Keep up to update with all the latest MojoTrolls Alpha and Stay one Step Ahead.